One of the most popular animated characters of the past decade has been Buzz Lightyear. From his beginnings in Toy Story and Toy Story 2, he has moved on to become a merchandising machine, along with his comic books and cartoon show. As a result, children still love to watch Buzz Lightyear battle it out with his enemies, and you can expect your children to ask you about a having a Buzz Lightyear themed birthday party.
It may seem like a difficult task, but by bringing in some of the Buzz Lightyear birthday party supplies and these party ideas, the entire process will get a lot easier.
Cardboard Halloween Decorations
Space Suits All Around
One great idea for a Buzz Lightyear birthday party is creating space suits for everyone who comes to the party. This can be easily done using a cardboard box. You can use the boxes by just cutting a hole in the top for the heads of the kids. Then using another cardboard box, you cut a hole in the side to create a helmet opening. Once you have done that, the kids can go about designing their space suits using party supplies and some crayons.
Space Walk
Once the space suits are done, everyone can take their turns at walking on the moon, throughout the house. Have everyone do his or her best weightless walking impression. The image of these slow walking spacemen will cause everyone to start laughing. Once done, get pictures of everyone for a memento.
Explore an Alien World
Before the kids ever arrive, you can have spent time in the backyard working on putting together an alien world for the kids to explore using cardboard cutouts of aliens, weird hanging vines using streamers, and other items. Then, when the kids are done with their space walk, you can put them into a large cardboard box or two (maybe even three or four) and have them walk out (leave the bottom of the boxes open for their legs) into the alien surroundings with their spaceship. Then, they can explore it and find all the hidden prizes that may exist.
The Buzz Lightyear movies are incredibly popular and there is no sign of slowing down. As a result, you can expect to be asked for a Buzz Lightyear themed birthday party soon. It can seem like a difficult task, but by using your imagination, some household items and Buzz Lightyear birthday party supplies, you can have a great event on your hands.